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Neurology Specialists, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation & Behavioral and Therapy Services located in Coral Springs, Sunrise and Fort Lauderdale, FL

Depression services offered in Coral Springs, Sunrise and Fort Lauderdale, FL

Depression is common in people with neurological diseases like epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. At The Neurology Institute in Coral Springs and Sunrise, Florida, a multispecialty team of neurology professionals provides full-spectrum care, including treatment of depression, in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Book your appointment online or call the office nearest you for help now.

Depression Q&A

Is depression common in neurological diseases?

Depression is common in people with neurological diseases. Having a neurological disease can be confusing, frightening, and distressing, all of which can contribute to mental health issues like depression. Currently, depression affects:


  • Up to 50% of people with multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • 40% of people with Alzheimer’s dementia 
  • 30%-40% of people with Parkinson’s disease 
  • 25% of stroke survivors

If you or a loved one has a neurological disease and experiences symptoms of depression, it’s important to know you’re not alone. The Neurology Institute offers compassionate, whole-person care for neurological diseases and all of their effects. 

What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression affects everybody differently, but common symptoms include: 

  • Powerful feelings of sadness
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Thoughts of death, possibly including suicidal ideation
  • Loss of interest in regular activities
  • Sleep pattern changes (excessive sleepiness or insomnia)
  • Personal hygiene changes, such as showering infrequently and rarely changing clothes
  • Appetite changes, often with corresponding weight changes
  • Withdrawing from loved ones
  • Slower movements
  • Difficulty thinking or concentrating

It’s sometimes hard to determine the reason for depression symptoms since some are common in neurological diseases independent of depression and also because neurological disease and depression often overlap.

If you or someone you love experiences any of these symptoms, reach out to The Neurology Institute for customized care. The skilled team can determine the factors contributing to your depression symptoms and provide personalized care to help you feel better.

How is depression treated?

At The Neurology Institute, the multispecialty team includes neuropsychiatrists who specialize in mental health disorders like depression. The team works together to provide whole-person care, ensuring you get the best treatment for neurological disease and depression.

Many people experience good results with a combination of medication and psychotherapy. The practice also offers treatment approaches to improve your health and physical function (and ultimately, your depression), like physical, occupational, and speech therapy.  

The team works with you and your family to improve your overall health and quality of life dramatically, to eliminate some of the reasons that might be causing your depression.

The Neurology Institute welcomes patients struggling to call the nearest office or click on the online scheduling link to make an appointment now.